How It Works
Talk With us
Meet your licensed agent by scheduling a call with your Property Holders representative. We will collaborate with you in every step of the way, from establishing financial goals to rental property setup and can provide guidance on rental property ownership.
Discover Properties
Discover and select properties by browsing through the curated selection on the Property Holders feed, handpicked listings sent to you by your representative, or by conducting your own search on their website. Each property listing on Property Holders includes an image of its investment returns.
Choose Your Property
Contact your agent by sending them a message if you have any questions or are interested in a particular property. We can assist you in reviewing the financials to confirm that the property is a good match for your investment goals and can also help you submit a competitive offer.
Start Hosting
Property Holders can provide assistance in selecting the ideal property for your needs, and we can manage the property for you as well.